Whole Body & Localized Cryotherapy
Cool down and experience the many health benefits of cryotherapy at Pod Spa & Wellness.
With two treatment options available, you can enjoy the unique benefits of cryotherapy in a relaxing setting, utilizing our industry-leading cryotherapy technology.
The Cryo plunge is here!
The ultimate solution to modern-day woes! Tired muscles, sluggish energy, and poor sleep are no match for the invigorating power of icy immersion. Experience instant relief, rejuvenation, and enhanced well-being as your body harnesses the cold to conquer life's challenges. Take the plunge and watch your worries wash away!
Rejuvenate Your Mind and Body With Cold Water Immersion
-Elevated Energy
-Immune Support
-Increases Dopamine
-Boosted Mood
-Pain Relief
-Stress Relief
-Better Sleep
-Well-Balanced Mental Health
-Boost Cardiovascular Circulation
Plunge Pricing
Single Session $35
Single Session & Sauna 30 min Combo $55
Single Session & Sauna 45 Min Combo $65
Unlimited Monthly Plunge $125
Unlimited Monthly Plunge & Sauna $199

What is Cryotherapy?
Cryotherapy is the process of stimulating the body’s natural healing and recovery systems by applying extremely cold temperatures to particular body parts (local cryotherapy) or the entire body (whole body cryotherapy). Eliminating pain, reducing inflammation, and improving blood flow are just a few of the many positive benefits of cryotherapy.
Who can benefit from Cryotherapy?
Cryotherapy is good for anyone who wishes to stimulate their body’s natural ability to heal, repair, and recover. Professional and amateur athletes, weekend warriors, and anyone who wishes to improve their quality of life and increase their health can benefit from cryotherapy.
Why Cryotherapy?
The use of extremely cold temperatures in order to induce the healing processes is a method that has been used in the medical industry for centuries. In more recent times, cryotherapy has been used to stimulate the body’s own natural ability to recover, repair, and rebuild. Using extremely cold temperatures over a short time has an effect unlike any other cold therapy or treatment because of the body's rapid response to the cold temperatures.
Cryotherapy Health Benefits
Super-low temperatures are at the cutting edge and an efficient way to trigger self-healing mechanisms. Short-time cooling of the upper skin layer helps to boost metabolic processes, decrease anxiety and fatigue, improve sleep, and stimulate the immune system.
Cryotherapy involves the activation of natural body defenses and is therefore totally safe. The short-time exposure to the cold does not affect the body’s core temperature. Nitrogen (used for cooling in its liquefied form) comprises 3/4 of atmospheric air, which means that the sessions are completely environment-friendly.
Increase energy
Improve sleep
Reduce muscle inflammation
Reduce muscle pain & soreness
Improve muscle recovery and healing time
Treat join disorders like arthritis
Boost metabolism
improve overall health
Support immune system
Anti-aging and beauty benefits
Treat skin conditions
Whole Body Cryotherapy
Whole body cryotherapy is performed in our industry-leading nitrogen cryochamber. Clients spend between 2-3 minutes in the chamber, which covers the body from the feet to the upper shoulders, leaving the client's head exposed above the unit.
This safe and beneficial treatment is supervised by a technician throughout the entire session.

Cryo Facial & Localized Cryotherapy
Cryo facials and localized cryotherapy treatments are delivered using a mobile device and handpiece. This system can be used to treat individual body parts and is also used as a facial treatment.
Cryo facials are a great treatment for tightening the skin, reducing pores, blemishes, and the appearance of fine lines.
Localized cryotherapy treatments can be applied to almost any body part to reduce inflammation, treat joint and muscle pain, migraines, as well as various skin conditions.