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A whole-body approach to your health, wellness & longevity.


We're taking a whole-body approach to your health, wellness & longevity with the introduction of our functional health and wellness programs. 


Medical care provided today is almost entirely focused on illness and disease.  in fact, health care as we know it, isn't focused on health and wellness at all.  The current system is designed to manage acute and chronic illnesses and diseases, with almost no attention given to providing care for functional health, wellness, and longevity.

Our new functional health and wellness programs, our focus is on addressing immediate health concerns and improving the functional health of a clients to allow them to live a better, healthier, more fulfilling life.

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Functional Health & Wellness Solutions


A majority of medical care provided today is reactive and focused on an acute conditions or chronic illnesses, with very little or no focus on functional health, Wellness, or longevity.  In fact, many patients don't even see their doctors on an annual basis for a wellness a exam.  When people do seek medical care, a good number of these visits are now taking place in an urgent care facility with doctors unfamiliar with the patient's history.


Our focus is on addressing immediate health concerns and improving the functional health of our clients to allow them to live a better, healthier and more fulfilling lives.


Our whole-body approach to functional health, wellness, and longevity starts with 7 key components: a comprehensive initial consultation, review of family and personal health history, review of medications and supplements, diet & nutritional assessment, mental health assessment, exercise & fitness routine review, and comprehensive laboratory workup.  The initial consultation will be followed by a detailed wellness assessment, along with a treatment plan to address any immediate concerns, as well as your health and wellness goals.

Comprehensive Initial Consultation: Your initial consultation will take at least 2 hours.  Prior to your initial consultation, you will be asked to complete a detailed health questionnaire and provide a 1-week diary of your diet, sleep, exercise, and use of medications or supplements.  It's important to keep accurate records, so that a complete and accurate assessment can be made.  During your comprehensive initial consultation, we will review your family history, current health status and concerns, prescription and supplements review, daily activities, diary data, work history, hobbies, social media activity, digestive health, water/fluid intake, sexual activity, areas of interest, and most importantly, what you would like to improve about your health.


​Comprehensive Laboratory & Diagnostics: Upon completion of your initial consultation, an extensive blood panel will be ordered. This panel is typically 3 to 4 times larger than labs ordered during a normal annual wellness visit and is designed to give a more complete health assessment. 


In addition to the blood panel, a pharmacogenomic test may be ordered.  This test is essential for anyone using prescription medications for cardiovascular, mental health, digestive illnesses, pain management, as well as other acute and chronic conditions.  This test will help determine which medications are right for you and can help mitigate potential adverse effects of prescription medications.

Another test that may be ordered based on your personal and family health history is a genetic cancer screening test.  This test is performed using a highly complex next-generation sequencing technique and can help to identify genetic mutations in the blood.  This test can typically identify the presence of cancer cells earlier than many traditional testing methods.

Nutritional Evaluation & Coaching: A good diet and proper nutrition are essential components to a long and healthy life.  We evaluate your diet and nutritional intake to determine if your diet meets your health and wellness needs, and to identify those foods which may affect your gut health. We work with you to develop a diet and nutrition plan to help you achieve optimal health. This includes monitoring your diet weekly and making modifications as needed. 

Mental health Assessment & Guidance: Your mental health is critical to achieving optimal physical health. If you're not emotionally and mentally healthy, it's virtually impossible to achieve optimal physical health. Our mental health assessment will provide essential information to guide us in the development of a plan and tools to help improve your mental health.  Counseling, breathing exercises, yoga, meditation, are just a few of the ways we will assist you on your journey.

Exercise and Fitness: Exercise is essential for good health. Medical research shows that the main difference between individuals of a normal weight and those who are overweight is the amount of calories the individual burns throughout the day. People who are overweight tend to have a more sedentary lifestyle.  In fact, the CDC and the Surgeon General Report estimates that more than 60% of adults don't engage in the recommended amount of physical activity and approximately 25% don't exercise at all. 

Benefits of Regular Exercise

​Psychological Benefits

  • Increase confidence and self-esteem

  • Improve mood and relieve stress

  • Increase ability to focus and concentrate

  • Decrease desire for other unhealthy, addictive habits (i.e., smoking, alcohol consumption, or overeating)

  • Increase overall sense of inner strength and well-being


Physical Benefits

  • Improve cardiovascular function, improve pulmonary function, boost the immune system (increasing resistance to illnesses), and reduce or prevent the risk of developing practically every disease from osteoporosis to diabetes and even some cancers.

  • Increase basal metabolic rate (BMR), which increases fat loss

  • Improve flexibility and mobility

  • Has anti-aging effects

  • Improve libido (sex drive)

  • Improve appearance

  • Loss of body fat

  • Increase muscle tone, body strength and endurance

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